Wed, 08/17/2022
Executive Director of the Nebraska Governance and Technology Center (NGTC) Elsbeth Magilton spent two days in Ames, Iowa with undergraduate aerospace and engineering students at the Iowa State University Spaceflight Operations Workshop.
This workshop is held from August 2nd – August 14th, and its main objective is to create operational thinkers. Open to undergraduate students at Iowa State, students from other institutions, and educators, the Spaceflight Operations Workshop provides hands-on opportunities to learn planning, execution, and teamwork. The crewmember students participate in seminars and exercises similar to those used in actual astronaut training at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, such as wilderness survival training, skydiving, and SCUBA diving certification. These activities aim to push personal boundaries and promote working as a team.
Working alongside Clayton Anderson, a retired NASA astronaut and workshop creator, Elsbeth taught attendees the importance of law and policy in space operations.
Information for the Iowa State University Spaceflight Operations Workshop can be found here:
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