Gap of opportunities: A Review of Ep. 3 of Tech Refactored

Wed, 02/03/2021

Imagine going through everything we all went this year of 2020, but without having access to the internet. It seems like an even bigger nightmare, right? Although this sounds like a script for a new series on Netflix, this is the reality of more than 18 million Americans, according to FCC. 

After listening to this episode of Tech Refactored: The State of The Digital Divide you will understand that the problems generated by digital divide, referring to the gap of opportunities between those with access to the internet and those who do not, have far more complex consequences than we imagine and the necessary solutions are far from just giving people access to the internet by connecting a cable at their homes. 

Guest experts Nicol Turner Lee and Christopher Yoo detail and open our eyes to understand the problem, the consequences and the possible paths to solutions. As Lee explains, this is a complex problem associated with a set of social issues such as poverty and house instability and language. For instance, it is not a binary problem that can be solved solely with a large public investment to give internet access to this vulnerable group. Regarding a chain of solutions that must be carried out step by step in different scenarios, I would say that it is not just one, but several puzzles to be assembled in order to mitigate this division and develop a more connected society with opportunities for all Americans. It is also a situation that needs multidisciplinary actions; regardless of your area of ​​expertise, you will understand that your field of study can be part of these solutions, as well as to the most major social/economic issues that impact our society.

As cited in this episode, one of the first steps must be governments treating this as something urgent and of primary importance, especially during this period of pandemic. Throughout 2020 we have seen many areas of action by governments to minimize the damage caused by this crisis, however, no major action or plan to reduce the problem of digital divide. Now more than ever before we need to be connected, adapted and in fact using digital tools in our personal and professional life tasks. Technology will be vital for us to recover from this crisis and the lack of internet access makes everything more difficult for this segment of the population, mainly in rural regions where the problem is concentrated. 

Lee also mentioned that a Tech New Deal is needed; similarly to the Green New Deal, which has been widely discussed by progressive sectors of the political spectrum during these past years. It seems to me an effective association to explain the importance of the problem and how difficult the solution can be, and engage people in one more social issue to the debate to create pressure for solutions.

Finally, this episode changed my perception of this underlying reality, going from something important but secondary to something urgent, from seemingly simple with viable solutions to something that urges for complex and innovative solutions, seeking out that everyone can have the same opportunities and the society becomes less unequal.

This reviews covers the third episode of Tech Refactored, which featured expert commentary from Nicol Turner Lee, Senior Fellow at Governance Studies, and Director of the Center for Technology Innovation; and Christopher Yoo, John H. Chestnut Professor of Law, Communication, and Computer & Information Science; Director, Center for Technology, Innovation & Competition.

Our podcast, Tech Refactored, shares the research and expertise coming from the Nebraska Governance and Technology Center. The show is hosted by our founder and director Gus Hurwitz and produced by Lysandra Marquez and Elsbeth Magilton. You can also catch Tech Refactored on 90.3 KRNU in the Lincoln area.

Rafael Maschieri Bicudo is a part of our Student Fellow program. Student Fellows are academics with an interdisciplinary inclination and who are interested in the challenges of changing technology.

Portrait of NGTC Student Fellow Rafael Maschieri Bicudo on a red background